Our Leadership Team


(252) 642-6595
Questions for Dr. Williams

I am Mike Williams and I have the honor and privilege of being named Littleton Academy’s Head of School.  I look forward to working with parents, along with our students, the staff, and the Fitts Foundation, to continue the wonderful and amazing things that are being accomplished at the Academy. 

I bring to this position several things.  First is a career devoted to teaching and leading in North Carolina schools and education organizations.  Second is a love for children and assisting them to become the best they can be…a goal embraced by the Academy.  And last, but not least, I am dedicated to Halifax and Warren Counties.  I am a native of the area, a graduate of Littleton High School, a lifelong resident, and i am dedicated to making this area a wonderful place to live, learn, and contribute. 


(252) 370-1792
Questions for Mrs. Mizelle

Mrs. Mizelle joins LIttleton Academy following a 30 year career with Warren County Schools. Mrs. Mizelle brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from her previous positions as elementary teacher, Reading Coach, district-wide Literacy Coordinator and Principal.

Mrs. Mizelle’s passion is helping teachers who in turn help students grow into life-long learners. Mrs. Mizelle received her undergraduate Bachelor of Science degree from North Carolina Wesleyan College. She received her graduate degree in School Administration from North Carolina State University. Mrs. Mizelle has written curriculum for the North Carolina Teacher Academy. She is a professional development trainer for two educational programs: DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) and Fundations.