Annual Tuition - Annual tuition for the 2024-25 school year is $10,000 per student. 

  • There is no discount for multiple students from the same family. 

  • There is a $500 discount, per student, for annual $10,000 tuition paid in full by Aug 1. 

Service Hours - In addition to tuition, each family is expected to contribute 10 service hours per semester for service work performed at the school. If there are two or more children enrolled from the same family, the total number of service hours required is 15 hours per semester. 


At a minimum, net tuition due must be paid monthly in 10 equal installments. Tuition payments will be due on or before the first day of each month beginning on August 1 and continuing monthly through May 1. 

In the event there are multiple students enrolled from the same family, tuition will be billed and tracked on an individual student basis. 

If a student receives financial aid/scholarships, payments made to Littleton Academy will be applied to the student's account when received by the school. If financial aid/scholarship payments result in a credit on the student's account, that credit will be applied to the student's account over the following months. At any point the credit amount exceeds the amount of tuition due for the remainder of the year, the credit will be refunded to the student. 


Opportunity Scholarships 

The State of North Carolina makes available Opportunity Scholarships to the family of a student who attends a private school, such as Littleton Academy, and who qualifies for the Opportunity Scholarship. The Opportunity Scholarships are managed by the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (SEAA). Detailed information regarding Opportunity Scholarships is available on the SEAA's website, along with a link to apply for the Opportunity Scholarship. Financial Aid: 2024-25 range from $3000-$7400 depending upon Family income. Every North Carolina student is guaranteed a scholarship.

Parents are totally responsible for applying for Opportunity Scholarships and meeting all requirements associated with the Scholarship. Even though Littleton Academy will be designated as the payee for funds from the Scholarship, Littleton Academy plays no role in applying for or making decisions regarding the award of such Scholarships. 

Merit Scholarships 

Merit Scholarships are designed to attract students who meet high standards in the following areas: 

  1. Academics - a minimum of a B average in school work undertaken at all schools 

    prior to application for the Merit Scholarship. 

  2. Citizenship - an exemplary record of school attendance along with no prior school expulsions, long-term suspensions, or record of significant discipline infractions. 

  3. Potential - documented evidences that demonstrate the student has potential to become a high achiever and an asset to Littleton Academy and the community. 

Additional information regarding Merit Scholarships is available
from the main office of Littleton Academy.

Have questions about tuition?

Don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help.